Thursday, November 19, 2015

Advanced Directives And Living Wills In Nebraska (part 2 of 2)

Nebraska law also stipulates that the following persons are not qualified to act as witnesses in the making of a power of attorney: the maker's spouse, child, parent, sibling, potential heir, known beneficiary, attending doctor, or "attorney-in-fact"; or an employee of a health or life insurance provider. Not more than one representative from the health care facility should be present during the signing.

Even though there is no expressed stipulation in the law of Nebraska regarding the notarization of a living will, it is highly suggested that you do so to make sure that the health team would listen to the voice of the a patient in an emergency condition.

No one in the following list of persons may function as your "attorney-in-fact":

1) your attending physician;

2) an employee of your attending physician who is not related to you by marriage, blood, or adoption;

3) a person who is not related to you (by marriage, blood, or adoption) and who happens to be an operator/owner or employee of the health care institution you're admitted in;

4) a person who is not related to you (by marriage, blood, or adoption) and is, at the time of appointment, currently acting as an "attorney-in-fact" for ten individuals or more.

You may also choose to make and execute a living will in other states. It would then turn out as a combination of a living will and a declaration of a health care "attorney-in-fact". Just make sure that the directives written in each document do not clash with each other.

The advanced directives and living wills in Nebraska are indeed unique to their state. However, the purpose of these legal documents is universal.

They're all similar in the sense that they enable you to make those crucial decisions before its too late.

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